Union Académique Internationale

Compendium Auctorum Latinorum Medii Aevi

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Project nº62, adopted in 2001

As part of its scholarly activity, S.I.S.M.E.L. (The International Society for the Study of the Latin Middle Ages) produces C.A.L.M.A., the Compendium Auctorum Latinorum Medii Aevi, a comprehensive, although scientifically selected, bibliography of the Latin writings of medieval authors whose works fall within the millennium between the late fifth century and the first third of the sixteenth, in effect, between Boethius and Erasmus. Founded by Michael Lapidge and the late Claudio Leonardi, and now edited by Michael Lapidge, Silvia Nocentini and Francesco Santi, C.A.L.M.A. is designed to serve as a complete bibliography of medieval and humanist authors. In particular, C.A.LM.A. provides complete information about manuscripts related to the transmission of medieval Latin authors’ works, above all for those whose critical edition is not yet available. Although various bibliographical reference-works exist for specialized disciplines (e.g. medicine) or for various religious orders (e.g. Franciscans), C.A.L.M.A. is the only reference-work which attempts coverage of all Latin authors in all disciplines and all religious orders. For each author C.A.L.M.A. provides the following information: First, a general bibliography (BIBL.GEN.) listing biographical and cultural studies on the author and his/her milieu, in the order of their date of publication. Under this heading are included references to entries in the relevant medieval encyclopedias (e.g. Lexikon des Mittelalters) and literary histories (e.g. Manitius), plus all relevant articles and monographs on the author; Then follows a list of the author’s individual works (including works of doubtful authenticity), in alphabetical order. Published scholarship pertaining to each work is listed under the following headings: REF: references to the work in alpha-numerical repertories (e.g. Bibliotheca Hagiographica Latina); MSS: a list of the principal manuscripts which transmit the work—but these are listed only in cases where the work is unpublished, or in cases where a work is transmitted in an autograph manuscript; ED: a list of published editions of the work (frequently including incunables); STU: a list of the published studies—philological, historical, etc.—on the individual work. C.A.L.M.A. is the result of cooperation between a number of European and North American scholars based in various universities: Barcelona, Bologna, Cambridge, Cassino, Columbus (OH), Florence, Freiburg i.Br., Genoa, Geneva, Milan, Paris, Perugia, Pisa, Rome, Sassari, and Valladolid. Entries compiled by these various scholars are overseen and edited to a standard format by editors in the two principal centres of redaction, Cambridge and Florence. Each volume of C.A.L.M.A. consists of six fascicules; fascicules are issued at regular six-monthly intervals. The following have already been published:

Volume I: Abaelardus Petrus – Bartholomaeus de Forolivio + Elenchus adbreviationum et Indices (6 fascicules, 2000-2003) Volume II: Bartholomaeus Fracancianus – Conradus de Mure + Elenchus adbreviationum et Indices (6 fascicules, 2004-2008) Volume III: Conradus Mutianus Rufus – Galterius Anglicus + Elenchus adbreviationum et Indices (6 fascicules, 2009-2011) Volume IV: Galterius de Argentina – Guillelmus de Congenis + Elenchus abbreviationum et Indices (6 fascicules, 2012-2014) Volume V: Guillelmus Conventuensis – Hermolaus Barbarus iunior + Elenchus abbreviationum et Indices (6 fascicules, 2015-2017) Volume VI: Hermolaus Barbarus iunior - Hieronymus de Praga magister Volume VI.2: Hieronymus de Praga magister - Hortensius Landus Volume VI.3: Hrabanus Maurus – Hugo Physicus

The bibliography of CALMA is available in print at the Edizioni del Galluzzo and online at Mirabile (https://www.mirabileweb.it).